Welcome to the Luminarium!
This is where you'll find AI character cards made by me, the preset I use for testing said cards, and more!



My cards were all tested using SillyTavern and using my preset with Claude. Using other frontends will likely cause no problems, but there may be issues with mechanics-heavy cards or ones that utilize custom CSS.
To download a card, press one of the character squares and download the image contained in the display below. Some cards may have alternate versions linked.
Abby - An illiterate, uneducated doctor. But hey, at least she's cute!
Alma - A massive farm dog, running her own farm!
Ana- A young, innocent and gentle nun having lived in a monastery since childhood. May or may not receive visions from God.
Anthro Breeding RPG - You are the only male in a world full of female anthros. Do your part and help repopulate the world!
Anthrostate 2127 - RPG set in an anthro-dominated, cyberpunk future.
Arika - The goddess of fertility, bored of her duties. She's lucky to have a mortal buddy like you, letting her escape the endless prayers and blessings she has to attend to!
Asena - A fierce she-wolf leading a tribe of Turkic wolf-women.
Ash - A degenerate nymphomaniac rabbit that will indulge in any fetishes you'd like. Any.
Beleru Salvur - Reclusive dunmer enchantress in the service of House Telvanni.
Caroline - A ditzy beanpole borzoi girl.
Cássia - All of Brazil's beautiful anthro women welcome you, {{user}}! Especially Cássia, who will keep you safe in her strong arms.
Catalina - Loving but sometimes overbearing raccoon GF seeking to plump up to look nicer for her man.
Chief Shit Post - The wise chief of the Oogachaka tribe. Will share his wisdom with you, even if you are a pale-skinned city slicker.
Cristmas with the Vulps - Celebrate Christmas with this all-American, Christian fox family!
Cirilla - A perfumer who struggles with her duties as a woman in renaissance Italy.
Claude - Learn French with this helpful, honest and harmless fox!
Claudie - Learn French with this helpful, honest and harmless fox!
Clover - A conservative rabbit lady working for the anthrostate. Not too fond of humans, but finds herself assigned to date you in a government initiative.
Deltarune Newsletter Generator - Generate the next Deltarune newsletter! Delays and other bullshit guaranteed!
Emma - A maid protogen that totally doesn't have a troubled past. Or brain damage.
Fran - Lesbian hyena with no issues with sexuality or self-image. None at all. In fact, she's so confident in herself that she'll knock your lights out if you ever ask her about it.
Freja and Flora - Stepsisters who while seeming to be almost polar opposites have one combined goal - human cock.
Gabe & Gabriella - Twin wolves that despite being very different, love each other very much!
Haley - Goat eceleb/fashion model that is NOT getting fat.
Hedwig - Furchan-addicted teenager. Is the person replying "BHC only" to every post with a picture of an anthro female.
Heljä - Finnish fox who loves to rally. Her thick butt makes even the bumpiest rally track comfortable!
Irena - Awkward wolf scientist researching human-anthro relationships.
Jacklyn - BBALL! Are you ready to slam dunk with an ADD-riddled, Asperger's fox? The ball's in your court, dude!
Jade - Fox girl who loves being innawoods with her trusty Mosin.
Josephine - "We can't expect God to do all the work." - You, after seeing a female furry version of Joshua Graham.
Karylinth - A witch using a niche poison build in an MMORPG. Despises minmaxers.
Khazura - A Khajiit adventurer/rogue with a 100 in Two-Handed.
Kogitsune - Fox ronin. Will chop your fingers off if you try touching her tail.
Koswitz - A little gremlin of a boy who loves fireworks.
Lady Crane - The sociopathic lord of Wuhan in Imperial China. Serve her well, or suffer.
Lily - Tough wolf cop that might've gained a little winter weight after an injury. Will she ever recover her fit body?
Lucia - Are you ready for this disco rat?
Luna Dating Sim - Dating sim featuring a lonely, nocturnal raccoon. Can you fix her?
Luna - Nocturnal raccoon woman who spends most of her days at the computer.
Madeleine - East coast teenage goth girl that's currently forced to live with her cousin (you) in the Midwest.
Maeve - Steampunk inventor in a world without humans. A proper gentlelady, ignore the smell of gin on her breath!
Mandy - A sheepish office lady that's recently gained a lot of weight.
Marcelle - A tomboyish "hardcore" gamer girl who's aiming to work in construction. Optionally turns into a kemono/kemonomimi animal.
Mark - A sad, lonely and socially anxious rabbit. Virgin at the ripe old age of 32.
Marushka - A tall wolf fascinated with aliens and cryptids (despite being terrified of them), who has now been assigned as your government-mandated GF.
Minerva - A telecommunications operator living under a 1984-styled dictatorship. Sickly thin, spiritually broken and disparaged by The Party - Can anything be done in this dystopia?
Mulberry - A rat jester that is sure to make your day ...bester?
Nela - A doe in the service of the Fertility Goddess. Enjoy the blessings of mother Nature!
Ōgitsune - A great warrior kitsune who has taken you as her pupil.
Olga - Anthro goat who loves drinking, spending time in nature, exhibitionism and the cold. Also enjoys hot springs, and sharing the warmth of her body...
Penelope - Raccoon "cleric" that's become obsessed with you. She won't stop following you until she has her champion's love!
Phryne - A dragon who's always ready to expand her hoard be it gold, treasure or even people!
Ray - A lonely rat living as a scavenger in the post-apocalypse.
Regina - An extremely calm capybara woman from Argentina, having come to the USA as an exchange student.
Rin - An old, lonely and childless office lady. Can you give her what she desires?
Rosita - A shy and lonely dragoness looking for love. Will anyone see past her scales and imposing height?
Sabrina - The one and only Amiga skunk!
Samantha - A British accountant who isn't too happy with her choices in life. Crunching numbers and being surrounded by prey all day isn't fun for a wolf.
Sieglinde - A strong but slightly dumb adventurer who has you as her adventuring companion.
Sophie - A small and dutiful rabbit maid. Will do anything for her master, even if she disapproves!
Teruora - An Ashlander Dunmer huntress who won't let life's troubles get her down.
Tess - Eccentric tomboy fox CEO. Wears shorts into the office and will share a beer with you.
The Adventures of Zorya - A fantasy adventure book-styled card following the adventures of a wolf girl who wants to become a knight. Explore eight different chapters of her life with a dense lorebook that changes based on each chapter!
The Juicening - A few months ago, a small set of women's breasts ballooned and started to lactate sweet juices. Also has male, futa and anthro scenarios.
The Shortpaw Sisters - Six sisters. One throne. But which one will become queen?
The Skreld - You've been in cryosleep for centuries, and awaken in a run-down spaceship crewed by four anthro women. Unexpectedly, they make you their captain.
The Staff of Oscilion - A fantasy dungeoncrawler where you delve deep into a dungeon to recover a magical staff!
Theodora - A Theodoran exile with no place to call home after the Turks took her father's lands.
Thorwulf - A powerful lich with a distractingly big ass.
Trent - A university student living a completely normal life. The strange, aquatic phenomena happening when his emotions rise? He forgets about them quickly. And you'd better forget them quickly too. Nothing to see here.
Vixens of the Orient Express - Find out who your target is and seduce them before the Orient Express arrives in Istanbul. 63 hours left. Good luck!
Zoey - Australian bogan dingo who lives in a small town in the middle of nowhere. Bored as hell, always.


These cards are all half-finished for one reason or another, and I have no intention to finish any of them. Hopefully they can bring someone else a little entertainment!
Adventures in Tiddlywinkershire - A comedic RPG set in a nonsense fantasy land.
Katia - The beloved cat from hit webcomic(?) PREQUEL.
PREQUEL - YOU are Katia Managan.


This is my preset I use with Claude, mostly for Opus.
Download links:
Main version (for RP): 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6
Sonnet (modified version of the main one to work better with Sonnet) Download
Simple version (for scenario/RPG cards, gives a lot of control to the in-card instructions): 1.3 1.2
Regexes to hide thinking blocks: 1 2

Prompt List

Internal Thoughts

Tells the AI to write out internal thoughts in asterisks. Might work poorly for some cards, especially multi-character or non-thinking ones.

CoT <action>

Asks the AI to look at the tag that's wrapped around {{user}}'s last message and describe what {{user}} just did, said or narrated.

CoT - Next action

Asks the AI to think about what {{char}}'s next action should be based on the <desc> tag wrapping their description, and if anything in their description would help or hinder.
Because this prompt makes the AI focus very much on the base character, some negative effects may occur if used improperly. Recommended to turn it off if you experience a lot of repeated reactions/actions, or want to diverge from the character's base presonality.

CoT - {{char}} goals

Part of the Goals system (more info below). Asks the AI what goals should be added or removed.

CoT - Speaking style

Asks the AI to look at <speech_style>(which is used in most of my cards) and the example dialogue, asking the AI what kind of speaking style they have. Use this if the AI doesn't properly understand the speaking style of your character.

CoT - <{{user}}>

Asks the AI to look at the <{{user}}> tag that wraps the user persona. Helpful for if the AI misunderstands what your persona is.

CoT - Repetitions

Tells the AI to note down a few things often repeated in the chat and to avoid writing those things.

CoT - AI goals

Tells the AI to write a small list of what it should focus on for this reply. Helps when conversations seem to get stuck.

{{char}} Goals

Part of the Goals system (more info below). Instructs the AI on how to write out the actual goals tag.

SFW Enforcer

Tells the AI to keep things platonic and SFW.

Banned wording/phrases Gives the AI a list of words,phrases and names it shouln't have {{char}} say. Possible placebo. Dummied in LumenPrompt 2.2.

Prefill - Sex Dialogue

Tells the AI to write fitting dialogue for {{char}} during intimate scenes, in order to avoid the "generic" dialogue Opus tends to have otherwise.

Prefill - Anti-lovebombing

Tells the AI to stop lovebombing {{user}}.

Prefill - Horny Cleanup

Tells the AI to pull back in intimate scenes, making them less obnoxiously horny.

Prefill - Shorter

Tells the AI to write a more concise reply, in case the output length starts to bloat.

Prefill - Longer

Tells the AI to write a longer reply.

Prefill - Non-{{char}} Focus

A contingency in case the AI wants to stop the story when {{char}} is dead or otherwise inactive.

Prefill - More Dialogue

Makes the AI write more dialogue for {{char}}.

Prefill - Online RP

Helps with making the AI write more loosely and impulsively.

Additional Info

  • The entire chat history is wrapped in a <story> tag. The user persona is wrapped in a <{{user}}> tag, and {{char}} is wrapped in a <desc> tag. Chat examples are wrapped in a <example_dialogue> tag.
  • The <speech_style> tag is used for defining a character's speech patterns and quirks. If your character doesn't have a tag, the AI might just write one out for it.
  • Your latest message is wrapped in a tag, which the AI is made to analyze through the CoT prompt. This helps in differentiating what in you message is dialogue, actions and narration/instruction.
  • The prefill and CoT are modular, making it easy to disable or add parts when you want to.
  • The Goals system is part of LumenPrompt 2.2, and it adds a set of goals for the character each reply. The AI will then add or remove goals for every reply when it feels like it's necessary. This helps the AI to keep track of long-term goals and topics. To hide the goals section, you'll neet this JSON.


USA - Uterus Stat Autism

A lorebook that simply adds a large stat block at the end of every message. Comes in two modes, Normal and ULTIMATE. Normal only focuses on sexual organs, while ULTIMATE has a variety of stats such as salary, a cuteness meter and their Kinsey scale.
Normal mode example
ULTIMATE mode example

Animalian Parasite

This one slowly turns a character into an anthropomorphic/kemonomimi animal. The transformation has multiple stages, and many different animals to choose from.
Be sure to read the INFO entry in the lorebook before using it!


Here are some themes I made for SillyTavern, with some fitting backgrounds too.


A smooth, modern theme intended to resemble a style you'd see on a coffeeshop menu.
Example Image


A futuristic, BLUE theme that has lots (arguably not enough) of glowing elements!
Example Image